Thursday, March 25, 2010

Is the Tea Party turning too violent? (Including acts of violence and advocating violence)

Is the Tea Party turning too violent? (Including acts of violence and advocating violence)


  1. you know, today the coffin story, the bullet in the wall story, etc etc were reversed by the f.b.i. or better media investigation.
    so does this mean tonights program will be as inaccurate as the past 2 days?

    you need to better prep. your staff is doing a very poor job, unless you dont care if you look silly. i mean, al frankin is a joke. a real comic. i thought you were serious news...
    just not lately.
    if it seems far fetched, it maybe really really is. so vet vet vet, or not, and appear a moron

  2. What a loaded question. I haven't heard of one arrest of a Tea Partier. You need not load a question like this. Look to the Left if you want to see violence. People like Bill Ayres, a leftist friend of Obama. Look to the Left for hate and violence.

  3. Your poll is set up to come out against the tea party either way. Of course they should be non violent. I haven't seen evidence otherwise. The progressive left is the enemy of free speech.

  4. The Tea Party, or any other conservative movement, is no more "violent" than Code Pink,, the Service Employees International Union, or any other thug surrogate Democrat mob. So there.

  5. its Time the tea party,stop the race war its starting and be put in jail;
    America does not need to re-think the civil war............


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