Saturday, April 4, 2009

Is Health Care a right or a privilege?

Is Health Care a right or a privilege?

a.Health Care is a right
b.Health Care is a privilege

I would love to hear your comments!


  1. if you're a legalized citizen, health care is a right, in this nation our government takes care of its citizens

  2. Basic emergency care should be covered by the government, for citizens. Health Insurance should remain voluntary.

  3. This one is easy, the only rights given to us are the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Thats it folks. Health care is not a right. Our government was not founded on the principle that it was there to take care of its citizens to this extent. Sorry you guys better crack out some history books.

  4. yes n its a right just like most nations around the world:
    everything cannot be based on the dollar:
    if thats not the case why do we fight wars every year or buy new Billion-dollar airplane's ???
    I support a strong public option plan!!!

  5. Dennis Waite September 8 at 5:35pm
    This is a Nation of Confusion and Mis-placed Priorites
    its Divided we Stand For A Divided States OF America:
    We can thank the republicans for that ever since JFK days,and thats when corporaite America took over the nation to infected this nation with Boot-licking-Lackeys offspring – like right-wing republicans : They control Insurance industry ;food ; health care; manufacturing , the media even the national-agenda,such as war and the type of cars we should drive: Do you think those clowns who shout at the meetings are inteligent enough to spear a nation-wide campane and just by chance a national Tv crew show up ??
    There is a deep division in America or a pralysis of individual-thinking ,reguardless if the Republicans or the news media aggree or not….its a fact …fightig against our own best interest is stupid :
    we need a Public HEALTH CARE Plan now not latter: don’t let this nation become like the republicans- backwards ,dull and divisive before the Global community and to all Americans : the Republican party has breeched its trust and has failed the nation again and again , how many more good and honest people must die before the hands of ruthless corporate owned politicians and there connection with right-wing-Republican-Psychosis /Psychotic /Pyromania/Schizophrenia….who have nott comme to gripps with the facts of this election and who the people want to govern this nation do you get a little feeling of Separation Anxiety???


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