Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Embryonic Stem Cell Research

The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, founded by the late Hollywood actor of "Superman" fame, hailed Monday's decision by President Barack Obama to lift federal funding limits for embryonic stem cell research. "By removing politics from science, President Obama has freed researchers to explore these remarkable stem cells, learn from them and possibly develop effective therapies using them." The foundation's laudatory remarks were echoed around the US medical, scientific and research communities. Do you agree with them?

Yes. President Obama is right for overturning former President Bush's policy on stem cell research.

No. President Obama should’ve left former President Bush’s policy on this in place.

I would love to hear your comments!


  1. stem cell research is the newest hot button political debate issue, it's this decades version of the abortion debate from the 80's and 90's, it shouldn't be, because by legallizing stem cell research you could help alot of people, if it had been legalized, people like christopher reeves, may have been able to walk again, or michael j fox, might be cured of parkinsons.
    it should be legalized because if you can, help one person, by doing something, it's well worth it.

  2. But what if that one person is Dick Cheney? (..." help one person, by doing something, it's well worth it".) lol

  3. Obama should do whatever he wants with regard to this matter, as long as it is legal.


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