Saturday, February 21, 2009

Former President George W. Bush Rank

Former President George W. Bush, who left office last month, was ranked 36th out of the 42 men who had been chief executive by the end of 2008 according to a C-SPAN Poll. Where would you rank George W. Bush?

A) 1-10
B) 11-20
C) 21-30
D) 31-42
E) Dead Last

I would love to hear your comments!

1 comment:

  1. I watched you on Neil Cavuto ..and Neil is right you are STUPID! and I hope all of America stops listening to your show because you are UN AMERICAN...And Neil knows more then you do in the tip of your finger nail. People like you want to take our rights away, Acorn uses our tax money to steal, lie and protest against freedom of speech but I bet you cover them with their cause to be needed you are a hypocrite need to go back to the country you came from , and if it is America we Americas don't want you..the original tea party WAS about taxes just like it is now and your answer to where is the tax look at cigarettes look at cigars 700& tax added ..look at our food , our gas, our electric,homes taxes went up even after the value went down..if you don't see that or research that YOU ARE! STUPID!..and my grandchildren and children will be paying for all this budget that grows every year..and you may not have children or maybe you do and don't care about them but these kids have no choice that we do to vote against this so you are betraying them as well as your country.I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYONE AS EVIL AS YOU IN TALK RADIO OR TV. And the Tea Parties are not Political even after you tried so hard to make it so...and Bush inherited Clinton's crap and Clinton had a Majority of congress of REPUBLICNAS..we have DEMOCRATES..we where just fine till 2006..every President has cause a little bit of this issue so lay off Bush..but Obama is throwing you and I on the fire and he bows to a Saudi and spits on wonder you love his ways you are a traitor too.If you don't want to cover the Tea will not break our hearts we don't need you to .


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