Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Palestinian/Israeli Conflict

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says a two-state answer to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is "Inescapable." Do you agree?

A) Yes
B) No

I would love to hear your comments!


  1. The answer is also to enforce both sides from beating the other side up...

    Basically one attacks the other, and says: "Mommy, he hit me first." They both need a TIME OUT!!!

    Muslims, Christians, and Jews can live together in the land holy to all 3.

    If it was so holy to them would they be disrespecting it by the way they are acting now?? The crisis will be resolved when we EVENLY put pressure on all sides.

  2. it would be ideal for the palenstinians and jews to live side by side, in two seperate nations, however, they have shown that they can't do so , as they have more trouble getting along than a divorced couple would living under the same roof, this conflict has been going on since the beginning of the world, and won't be solved any time soon.

    so in short: no, it would make any difference, these two would still fight.

  3. Too much power mixed with radical ideological influence equals modern Israel. They are the oppressors and what is happening in Gaza right now is something the world should be ashamed of. United States especially since most of the White Phosphorus, Cluster Bombs, Munitions and Equipment doing the damage was supplied by the U.S. The reality is a paradox and yet if someone like me points out this reality than we more than likely will be called Anti-Semites. Is the Jewish Anti Defamation League such a powerful Lobby to keep U.S. policy makers from aiding and abetting the murder and assault of an entire people?? Looks like it to me!!! Israel will bear the shame of this episode in it's existence unless they are successful in eliminating the Palestinian people from the earth. Yes, now they are the jailers doing evil things to a weaker group, Ah how easily they forget!!!

  4. A two state solution, while possible, need not occur. The current hostilities are endurable.

  5. A one secular state solution is the most fair and would result in the most people being the most free. Any other option will involve collective punishment, occupation, second class citizenship, apartheid-like conditions, bantusans (or a non-contiguous Palestinian state) or any combination of the above.

  6. Is the question even relevant given that Netanyahu doesn't support two states? And I'm sure you can look up some choice quotes by the FM, Avigdor Lieberman to find out how much he "opposes two states"! "Opposes two states" in this case is of course code for "fervently hates Palestinians". He was a card carrying terrorist, you know. And we have no problem with this special relationship, sitting down and talking with terrorists, those who disregard previous agreements, those who refuse to recognize the other side in this case.


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